now open!


Explore six habitats filled with colorful animals, insects and birds inspired by the artwork of Charley Harper and the ‘I Am Wild’ series of children’s books about biodiversity.  Discover the diversity and interdependency of life in the natural world and all the creatures that live in it.

Habitats to explore include: 

  • Ocean
  • Woodlands
  • Rainforest
  • Sky
  • City
  • Desert

You can also view a collection of Charley Harper artworks on display that highlight some of the artist’s favorite subjects and printmaking methods he used during his career.

Hands-on Components


The Woodland Ball Run – Play hide-and-seek with different animals and insects found in the Woods

Canopy Calliope – Create your own natural soundscape with a musical machine of different bird calls

Be Wild Imagination Habitat – Act like your favorite creatures or “be wild” in your own way in our interpretation of Charley Harper’s habitats

The Art Studio – Explore art making in Harper’s style of minimal realism

And more!

wild programs

Join us for add-on activities each week where you can explore the natural world, make art and foster creativity. We’ll focus on a special theme each month –  check our Calendar of  Events for days, times and program details:


Theme:  Woodlands

Join us to sing, listen to stories and discover the animals and natural world of the Woodland habitat including deer, trees and bark, skunks, acorns, foxes and more.

Plus a visit from some real live animals from the Pittsburgh Zoo on March 23!

I Am Wild: A Charley Harper Exhibit was created by Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh in partnership with Charley Harper Art Studio.

When I look at nature…I see exciting shapes, color combinations, patterns, textures, fascinating behavior and endless possibilities for making interesting pictures
Charley Harper

sponsored by

I AM WILD: A Charley Harper Exhibit was made possible by generous support from: