
about the program

Looking for an authentic learning context and hands-on experiences to add another dimension to your college course? We have worked with numerous professors in education, psychology, human development, social work, occupational therapy, and other fields. 

 Examples of Past Workshops: 

  • MuseumLab Play & Exploration: Experience our “beautiful ruin” and get a new perspective on accessibility! Learn how a building can teach and play, explore our three-story immersive rope sculpture, and reflect on the strategies you use to adapt to an unfamiliar environment and the support you need to thrive. 
  • Community Agreements & Safety: How can we help learners use real tools and materials while addressing safety concerns? Our Educators will model best practices for establishing a safe learning environment as participants engage in a hands-on metal-working activity and develop a shared community agreement. 
  • Creating Creative Thinkers: We are ALL creative thinkers, but sometimes self-doubt, fear, or other issues get in our way. In this session, learners will experiment with a range of materials and we will talk through techniques that can be successful when people experience barriers to creativity due to sensory issues, discomfort, etc. 
  • Tour & Explore: How do you create experiences for young learners that are inclusive and welcoming – but also inspire them to experiment and take risks? Museum Educators will walk you through our approach in one of our first floor galleries and then give you time to play and explore the museum on your own terms! 
  • Early Learners Outside & In: Engage in a hands-on “outdoor” making activity with our Early Learning Coordinator as you discuss the many advantages of outside spaces for our youngest learners and brainstorm ways to bring the outside in. 
  • Super-Secret Assessment ~ How do you observe and document learning without taking the joy out of it? Engage in activities designed by experts from our Learning & Research Department to get new ideas for how you can have fun in the classroom and still stay on top of student progress.