
about the program

Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh is committed to promoting kindness and to supporting others who share this commitment through programming, partnerships and professional development.

Through these efforts, we aim to:

  • Empower young learners to create cultures of kindness in their communities
  • Engage educators in a professional learning experience that supports planning and implementing projects rooted in local kindness values
  • Build a network of institutions committed to promoting and spreading kindness
  • Establish Pittsburgh as a leader in kindness innovation

The Museum started the Kindness Project, a grant-funded initiative that focuses on building internal capacity, understanding and action to support the cultivation of kindness among children, teachers, schools and families.

The Museum has a history of designing rich visitor experiences that support family participation in and discussion about social emotional learning, including a new exhibit opening in 2021, the Kindness Gallery.

The Kindness Project is a way to extend this work to the Greater Pittsburgh region. We created the Kindness Facilitation Toolkit, with help from JAM Enterprises (#bethekindkid movement), to help guide students and educators through the process of defining what kindness means to them and how they can work together to spread kindness in their school, community and beyond.

For information on how to bring the Kindness Project to your school or organization, please contact ktodd@pittsburghkids.org.