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about the program

Washington County Libraries had 90 ready-to-go STEM and Maker bins, but they were not being used. With the generous support of EQT, Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh partnered with the library system to provide professional learning sessions for librarians to:  

  • Increase awareness among librarians of the vast but underused collection of STEM/Maker resources (90 + bins and equipment to check out). 
  • Expose educators to new techniques and inspire confidence in trying new programming. 
  • Encourage more inter-library communication & cooperation. 

Over two years, the Museum has facilitated four workshops for more than 20 library educators from Greene, Fayette, and Washington Counties. In addition to providing time and support for the educators to explore the bins, we reviewed facilitation strategies, shared techniques, and relieved the pressure of having to become “an expert” in order to lead a meaningful learning activity.  

The experience received rave reviews, built a renewed spirit of collaboration, and sparked joy. It will have a lasting impact on educators throughout the region served by the 20 libraries in the Washington District Library System…and circulation of the bins continues to increase!