
We create dynamic experiences rooted in social-emotional learning for our youngest learners and the adults in their lives.

setting a solid foundation

The Children’s Museum supports the healthy development of young children in many ways, from offering its own programs to working with and supporting partner organizations who serve young children across Pittsburgh.

For more information, please contact Chip Lindsey, Director of Education, at clindsey@pittsburghkids.org.

art, art history, and art exploration

Art and art history allow young children to establish an early foundation for art appreciation, visual analysis, imagination, and creativity that will extend well beyond their early years! Viewing and making art at an early age are crucial opportunities for multisensory immersion, creativity, fine motor skills, and cultural appreciation. These experiences focus on fostering a love and curiosity for art!

technology, science and making

With technology, science and making practices, learning becomes a multisensory and interactive experience! Each of these avenues for learning promote digital literacy, problem-solving skills, inquiry, and encourage a growth mindset. These process-based, hands-on programs honor all learning styles and are intentionally designed to expand and deepen learning for all young learners.

wellness and mindfulness practice

Our approach to the whole child allows us to introduce physical, mental, and emotional health practices that are essential elements in creating a strong foundation for our youngest learners. These experiences focus on introducing learners to practices that can foster an understanding of the importance of health and wellness.

nature and environmental learning

The world around us is a source of life, inspiration, and expression for our youngest learners. These programs bring both outdoor (and indoor!) spaces to life through an environmental lens to help children broaden their perspective about the world while instilling them with a sense of natural wonder and curiosity.

identity and culture exploration

Identity is a core part of what it means to be human. We believe that guiding young children in exploring their own identity as well as the diverse identities of the world is a fundamental step in preparing them for a rich future. These experiences focus on self identity and cultural competencies that are developmentally appropriate.