simple interactions
Supporting meaningful interactions between children, youth and families and those who serve them
about the program
Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh has a well-established partnership with the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media at Saint Vincent College (FRC) around their Simple Interactions initiative.
Simple Interactions is a practice-based, strengths-focused and community-driven approach to support people and organizations who serve children, youth and families. This approach is collaboratively developed, broadly applied and includes a freely accessible set of tools and resources.
Through the work of Simple Interactions, we focus on human interactions around children, youth, families and communities in a number of ways. These include identifying and capturing adult-child or adult-adult interactions in everyday practice and building and facilitating communities to learn and grow from what they already do well.
For more than five years, Museum Teaching Artists have participated in regular reflective practice around supporting meaningful interactions between staff and children. More recently, the Museum and the Fred Rogers Center have partnered on Simple Interactions: Supporting Relationships in Informal Learning Spaces Initiative to bring this process to three additional informal learning organizations in the Pittsburgh region.