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Spring Break Workshop: Cyanotypes (Ages 10+)

MuseumLab 6 Allegheny Square E Suite 101, Pittsburgh, PA

Cyanotypes, also known as blue prints or sun prints, are a historic photographic process that uses the sun to make images. In this workshop we will explore making photogram style Cyanotypes by laying different objects down on Cyanotype paper and exposing them to the sun. Participants (ages 10-15) do not need any prior experience for […]


Wilbur, the Naked Mole Rat’s Fashionable Day

Celebrate the most fashionable Mo Willems’ character, Wilbur, the Naked Mole Rat! -        Explore fashion, patterns, and shapes with a fashion designer. As Wilbur, the Naked Mole Rat teaches us, clothes are one way to express your individuality. Make your own characters and design outfits for them. What does their style say about them? […]

Spring Break Workshop: Found Object Printmaking (Ages 10+)

MuseumLab 6 Allegheny Square E Suite 101, Pittsburgh, PA

Explore surface design and repeating patterns and discover how everyday objects can become printmaking tools. Bring objects from home or choose from our collection. Participants will print your own bandana to take home! Ages 10-15. Purchase tickets here. $20 per person, Museum admission not included.  Location: MuseumLab  MuseumLab is the Children's Museums' new art/tech/making space […]


Copper Enameling 102: Design + Open Studio (Ages 10+)

MuseumLab 6 Allegheny Square E Suite 101, Pittsburgh, PA

Participants (ages 10-15) in this workshop must have previously taken Enameling 101 or participated in Metalworking Summer Camp. Upcoming Enameling 101 workshops are scheduled for: March 26th April 9th Participants will have the opportunity to dive deeper into more intricate technical design elements of enameling, such as the use of klyr fire and stencils, and can devote time to designing […]


Fiber Workshop: Abstract Textile Portraits (Ages 10+)

MuseumLab 6 Allegheny Square E Suite 101, Pittsburgh, PA

Create an abstract, tactile piece of art of your dad, your dog, a snake you saw once, or your best friend Larry. Use a variety of textiles to create a funky fabric face representing yourself or someone else to take home with you. Purchase tickets here. $20 per person, Museum admission not included. Location: MuseumLab […]


fashion panel: how to make it sustainable

MuseumLab 6 Allegheny Square E Suite 101, Pittsburgh, PA

Learn how professionals are changing the fashion industry through sustainable practices such as ethically-sourced, made and recycled garments and accessories, reusing textile discards and vintage/secondhand items and styling.   Panelists: Nisha Blackwell, KNOTZLAND Brooke Bryant, Style Me BB Bennet Graves, Wavelength Vintage Ava Lancaster, Day Owl Bradley Hill, Arts Ed Collaborative - Moderator This is […]

Clothing Expression with Artist Stew Frick (10+)

Learn how to repurpose items of clothing to make them last beyond the trends and reflect your personal expression! Plus, get the satisfaction of having something you created in your wardrobe. Denim pieces will be provided to paint on; you may also bring your own. Purchase tickets here. $20 per person, Museum admission not included. […]

Knuffle Bunny Day

Bring your favorite stuffed animal to the museum to enjoy a day full of activities inspired by Knuffle Bunny! Draw your stuffed animal and place it onto a black and white image of the Museum to make a collage inspired by the artwork in the book, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Join us in the […]

Printmaking Workshop: Digital Design Screen Printing (Ages 10+)

MuseumLab 6 Allegheny Square E Suite 101, Pittsburgh, PA

Join us to create your own digitally designed screen print! In this workshop, you will explore the process of creating a digital design, using a die-cut machine, and making screen prints. You will get to print onto and take home a tote bag, but you are also welcome to bring a t-shirt to print your design […]
