
here's how you can share

The Children’s Museum asks kids and families to write letters expressing their feelings and to share them with the world.

Take time to share your feelings on everything that is going on in your life, and the world, today.

Write a story about a time when someone treated you with extraordinary love and kindness.

Tell us what gives you joy. What you miss. What you fear.

Expressing your emotions can take many forms, so if you put a sign in your window or chalk a message on the sidewalk, please share it. Maybe you paint rocks for surprise discoveries. If you write poems or draw or sing or dance to express your feelings, please share your art with us.

Drop your letter in the mail to the Museum, or email it to hi@pittsburghkids.org.

Visit the Children’s Museum’s social channels and post a message, photo or video in a comment or direct message:

Submissions will be featured online and displayed in the Museum when it reopens.

Thank you!